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School is starting next week..Awwwwhh! ●_●

Errmm...School is starting...Gotta switch on my neat mode...

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh! My nightmare! Its real! Im not the same class as +Maryanne Rinka ! Uwaaaahh! Why must I be so smart! (Lol xD) 
Well...2014 is coming..With a blink of an eye...Woah...Well what happens...happens...Let the past go and move on! Jeez..School is starting and im not even sure if 2014 will be the best year...Ergghhh...Please not a boring year! Or not even losing my best friend...Hmm..Mary! Hang out in my house every two weeks! Thats a deal & I dont care!!!! 

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