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Hello there! Let me introduce myself in full!

In names, I have tons. My biological name is Anastasya Bt Aly Sabry. Japanese name is Mineko Hanako ; gaming name is Yuki Mineko / hanakokrunch. My real location which by means where I'm currently at is in Malaysia. Otherwise, my dream location is to be in Japan. As I am getting older every year, its tiring if I update year to year; and so my birth date is on the 6th of May 2000. The last 20th Century Teen liner.

My current occupation with no benefits is a bassist, song writer, vocalist and an artist at the moment. I'm not at the right age to have a real job! My skills to these occupations are not that great and I rarely show it to social media because I am afraid to get judged. Yet recently, I've realized whatever we do; we are still going to get judged anyway so honestly just do it!

Role models are very important and its not easy to pick one.
My mother is the main role model I looked up to since she's very strong in every aspect of her life even if sometimes her life is crumbling down; she still find a way to bring herself up as fast as she could. Even if sometimes she makes mistakes, who are we to judge? Humans are not perfect.

Everyone has a variety of different personalities.
I'm the girl who's s quiet at first and ends up being the most active and bubbly girl in class. Even so, I do have that side that nobody wants to see. It only happens once or twice a month. Well, depends on the situation. Harsh words may come out from my mouth when I'm too excited/happy or hellish mad. So take care and be cautious! I could also be sensitive and really straightforward people.

We all have a dream where we would want to accomplish.
My current dream is to accomplish my lessons as a bassist; reading chords and knows every move of a bassist. Furthermore, I would be taking Product Design and continue my studies in Japan. Last but not least, like everyone else in the world I would like to travel to whole world and leave no place unexplored.

Make up in general to my heart.
I do not use make up at all. I despise make up. I hate make up. Especially Lipstick. Sometimes I think using make up is like hiding your own identity. You wear something so people will like you. But do you like you? I am also a mess either way! My friends said I never look tidy. In respond;
"Thank you for caring. I know you care about me but let me be me."

Now for the last intro!
Just a teenager who has big dreams and be safe in the after-life. An animal lover. Book lover. Addicted to Youtube and most boy bands. Fall in love with music and anime. A hardcore console gamer but a beginner in PC gaming. I love my god Allah who makes my day; My friends and family; My followers in social media and every living things in the world.

I reckon you guys to make a blog too! I would love to read it!

Mineko Hanako out desu !

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