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Okkairi minna (Welcome back guys /lel/) to mai blog again!

Peace be upon cha! A month ago I talked about dreams don't I ?
I'm taking steps to be prepared of those dreams! A few months ago, I kinda got jealous of a friend of mine because she is an expert in dancing, her voice is so cute and also her drawings are perfect as in a cute cute perfect. I envy her. Literally. Because of her huhu (she's kinda like my idol in school, a teen idol lel) I started hard to dance and draw. I could't fix my voice since my voice is already somehow matured like. Could't do anything about that huhu. So I was saying! 

A month after the grand exam in my year (PT3) I will start updating videos and covers from me, shin, ara and a few others. Some will be vlogs; others would be covers. We will open a Youtube account called 'Fantreesy' ? 'Cafinity' ? Actually tbh I'm not sure yet. We've also already planned how our dream house would be after the 11th grade. If we do not achieve this in this year; well we still will do it so you guys better get prepared of it!

Aside that! Last two weeks, my school held an event called 'Hari Keusahawan' which means Entrepreneurial Day. /Straight from Google Translate./ We held dis event because students from Japan came to our school to see our culture and so we sell food for them to taste how Malaysia food taste like. Even thou most of them is Western food lel. Anyways me and the gang participate in the event because we wanted to feel how to manage a shop. It turns out really well. We obtained a lot of benefits. It was a fun day in fact, you guys can see a pic collage that I did in my instagram @hanakokrunch or you could just see at your left side at the Insta widget.

I got bored. Will be back soon. BAIS.

/Upcoming : Cosplay?/

Coming SOon TeEhee.

/Readers be like/ ^ Maybe.