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Cats Cats Catss! Guwaaah! Suki Suki!

Sooo cute!!!! Moe! Kawaii!

Nyaaahahaha!! Assalamualaikum!! Heyo guys!! Lets talk about cute and fuzzy cats!! Cats are the most adorable animals in the whole wide world! Well for that is xD Cats always find away to make a person happy no matter what! Its either it jumps on you? Pats you? Well who knows? Hahaha xD But then the worst fact is that when they poop...ITS REALLY HORRIBLE!
IT STINKS! So everytime we must clean its litter box -.- Hmmm..What breed do you guys like? Well mine is a Maine Coon, Pearsian, Tiny Bob? (Im not sure if thats what it called) I should say all of the breeds! Except the ones that doesnt had any fur! 0^0 I kinda dont like those long fur cats either! Because im kinda lazy to comb their fur xD Or even bath them...Horror!!! Some cats will scratch you if you bath them! But some cats love water!! Rare cats O^O Anyone buy me cats I would love them to death!! xD

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