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Hey copycat....Dont you have enough stealing my ideas? (-''-)

I dont care! Copycat! Coward! Stupid! Wahaha!

Hey guys! I dont want to brag or anything but..There is a person who is stalking my blog keeps on stealing and copying my ideas~ Wanna know who? Awww...I think I dont have too...I dont want to reveal my arch enemy~ Hehe...Miss~ You dont have to stalk me~ I know I am much more smarter than you~ And I had tons of idea on making something new and fresh...So...Who is the pro now? Keep on stalking both of my blogs and take the ideas~ Or even copy and paste my lines? Yes...Yes please..You may think Im not watching..But I DO already say...Me and my dad are watching~ Thanks for the cooperation? Hehe...

I can reveal who you are whenever I want~ I just need someone to approve~ Or ask?
Im happily ready to answer~

Ooops~ Sorry for being kinda creepy there guys xD Didnt mean to freak ya up! Im just saying to my fav Girl Stalker & Stealer... 

To the stalker : Hey...Cant wait to school huh? Even thou if you change school...Ill be always there..
Thanks for lighting up my mood...I would love to haunt you... :)

Dont mess with me girl..I can go face to face anytime~

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