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Kakoi desuu! Subarashi! Frozen in Japanese! (O.O)

Anna and Elsa animation~

Peace be upon cha! Guess whaaaaaaaaat! I just found Frozen - Let it go in Japanese..Although its from the different voice actress! It definitely sounds like Elsa! Ya guys should hear it~ Its sounds awesome! Ill post the video below this text later...Frozen The Movie in Japan only starts at 2014 for them...How sad.. TT^TT
Ive already watch Frozen about a thousand times! Twice a day! Because of the song are very interesting...For example: First time in Forever , In Summer~ These songs had their own version in Japanese too! Anna and Elsa voice in Japan are wonderful~ Even thou it sounds a little weird...Maybe Im not use to it yet.. O.O 

Try hearing this version! Your mind will be blown away!

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