Peace be upon cha! Now this post I want to talk how busy I am for the year. I already leave a post about it on Google+ with a drawing of mine. Now is for my permanent blog readers. Next month, I will be facing March Exam. Monthly Exam. So I have to read a little and study my Maths a little hard. Well, that's what shinilzu do, she will only study Maths and the others she will just follow the flow. But I'm kind of weak at Malay Language too so I have study only both of that. Other than my monthly exam, I also need to study my previous grades for PT3. But that is still a long way to go. Even if it is my cousin still force me to make a timetable for studying. Hmpf.
I also have Chorul Speaking to focus on. The competition will be on April. I'm not really sure the precise date. I only know the month. Chorul Speaking is very fun! Its like telling stories but in group. My school script are about Grimm Fairy tale's.. Its like the difference between what we read in story books and reality. Easy say childhood ruined. Last but not least is my Volleyball and Badminton sports. Next week I have Badminton Competition. I will be against Ena. It will be well. Will it ? I'll tell you guys the result after it all happen. Now Volleyball is like rejected from teachers which kind of make me pissed. We can't play it because teachers just have to disagree with us. I seriously don't know how to explain the disagree. Forget about it!
See how busy I ammmmm?
I'll reformat my template after its all done, & maybe I should start giving blog tutorials so you guys can have a fabulous blog like me hoho. When I'm not busy of course.