Be yourself now matter who you are!
Assalamualaikum! (Peace be upon you) Hey guys!
Next year is the best year to be someone new and change all the bad things! So lets say that you had a grudge on a person~ Say Sorry to those that you guys hurt before! Make a better life in 2014..
Forgive and say sorry to anyone and let the future go on!
Hah! Now its my turn xP
To all those guys that been hurt by me!
I am sorry for what I have done! (Wait..I didnt even do anything! Ouh well)
And to all those who done bad stuff at me or been talking stuff that I dont want to read/hear
I forgive you guys!
I know that its not that great for posting it in the blog but who cares! Im saying this cause I want to get a new life and go on!
Just move on..Let the past go and live on..